twikga publishing stories

Here you will find the stories about the twikga books and twikga Verlag, a small, independent publishing company, which was based in Hamburg. The company seized to exist when we decided to move back to Holland. But while it lasted we worked hard and did amazing things with a small team of great women! The twikga books aimed to open the hearts of its readers for the wilderness, with its diversity of animals, plants and landscapes. We published books for the child in us. Wilderness, discovering things and imagination were important elements. The books were/are educational as they combine fact and fiction. We published four books in three languages, went to the Children’s Book Fair in Bologna, organized events and sponsoring and made a lot of children happy…

What a beautifull day

What a beautifull day

The story of how our idea Tata & Squack-The big Journey turns into a book has many beginnings. Its journey starts in 2007 as Tanja asks me to develop together with her a wildness story about a girl and her animal friend in Africa. From idea to book our journey is fraught with challenges. The idea was there but the characters, shape, style, tone, design, were yet to be created. During the next...

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De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst

De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst

Bijna is het zover, op 1 november verschijnt ons eerste gezamenlijke boek, Tata & Squack - De Grote Reis. Ook voor ons was het een lange reis met tegenslagen, opstekers, enthousiaste mensen, maar ook opbouwende kritiek en heel hard werken. Moe waren we, toen we eindelijk de eerste gedrukte pagina's bij de drukker konden bekijken. Achter ons lagen weken van laatste beeld- en tekstwijzigingen,...

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Tata&Squack – The Big Journey launched on 1.11.11

Tata&Squack – The Big Journey launched on 1.11.11

On 1.11.11 twikga launches Tata&Squack - The Big Journey. This first adventure of Tata&Squack tells the story of the Great Migration of the Wildebeest, one of the most impressive events in the natural world. Tata&Squack travel along on the back of Moyo, a wildebeest while they hunt for the water treasure, fly over a vulcano, escape loins,... The illustrations are a mix of...

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twikga und Phanhabs bei Blogg dein Buch!

twikga und Phanhabs bei Blogg dein Buch!

Blogg dein Buch ist eine tolle Plattform für Verlage und Leser. Dort gibt es kostenlose Aufmerksamkeit für alle! Verlage geben Bloggern Rezensionsexemplare zum Lesen und Blogger rezensieren als Gegenleistung diese Bücher auf ihrer Website. Bei Blogg dein Buch gibt es Romane, Sachbücher, Krimis und ab jetzt geht es auch "tierisch" los. Denn die Leser können mit Phanhabs den Afrikanischen Busch...

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twikga arbeitet an Buch über die Große Wanderung der Gnus

twikga arbeitet an Buch über die Große Wanderung der Gnus

Seit einigen Jahren arbeiten wir an einem Buch über die Große Wanderung der Gnus im Serengeti Nationalpark in Tansania und der angrenzenden Masai Mara in Kenia. Dies ist einer der auffälligsten Tierzüge der Welt. Inzwischen gibt es tausende Fotos, Illustrationen und Textversionen in drei Sprache. Tata&Squack, Die Große Reise wird voraussichtlich im November 2011 beim twikga Verlag erscheinen....

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Marke Eigenverlag – Selbermachen macht glücklich!

Marke Eigenverlag – Selbermachen macht glücklich!

Im neuen Magazin von Handmade Kultur wird die Entstehungsgeschichte von twikga erzählt. Nebst Tanja Dekker, der Gründerin von twikga, werden zwei weitere Frauen porträtiert, die im Zeitalter, wo man keine Bäume mehr pflanzt um sich zu verewigen, sondern ein eigenes Buch schreibt, alle auf eigene Weise ihr Buch verlegt haben. Selbermachen ist wieder angesagt, nicht nur im Bezug auf Bücher....

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twikga komt naar Nederland

twikga komt naar Nederland

twikga is internationaal op weg. Onder de palmen van het Grand-Café restaurant 1e Klas op het Centraal Station van Amsterdam, werd na een gesprek met Erik Kunst van Multilibris, besloten over te gaan tot de lancering van Phanhabs in Nederland. Door de samenwerking met deze in Nederland gevestigde uitgeverij zijn twikga boeken voor boekhandelaren bestelbaar via het Centraal Boekhuis. Consumenten...

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The first Phanhabs book was a milestone

The first Phanhabs book was a milestone

Publishing is something completely new for me. I grew up in the Netherlands, where I studied Business Administration. After my studies I worked in marketing and e-commerce for big multinational companies. Moving to Hamburg, Germany, gave me the opportunity to study illustration design. My first book-project Tata&Squack, Die Grosse Reise, I developed together with the author Elisabeth Visser....

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ik ga twikga! what’s in a name?

ik ga twikga! what’s in a name?

The name twikga is based on "twiga", which means giraffe in Swahili. The twikga logo and pattern are inspired by the coat of the giraffe. "Ik ga" means "I am going" in dutch. That is what I did, I went and set up my publishing company. When you say "ik ga twikga!", you are saying that you are "going with", or support twikga. That is when I say - Thanks for the follow!

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Books for the Child in us

Books for the Child in us

twikga publishes books and more for the child in us. Wilderness, discovering things and imagination are important elements. twikga hopes to open the hearts of its readers for the wilderness, with its diversity of animals, plants and landscapes. Wildlife-photography plays an important role in twikga products. Phanhabs Lush Bush, twikga's first book, was published in November 2011. Phanhabs stands...

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Have a look at Wild Picha Stories…

The stories of Willem & Tanja Dekker Photography, far away and close to home. Books, awards, events and other stories…