Das Thema der IFUPA 2022 war BUCH, Überarbeitungen-Memoiren-Utopien. Das twikga BUCH-abenteuer hat fast 10 Jahre gedauert. Inzwischen sind wir nach Holland zurückgezogen. Den twikga Verlag gibt es nicht mehr. Aber die Illustrationen von Tanja Dekker leben fort auf twikga.com Phanhabs Lush Bush war das erste WimmelBUCH was twikga veröffentlicht hat. Für die Postkarte habe ich es überartbeitet und meinen utopischen Power Ladies überlassen…
IFUPA stands for Internationale-Foto-Unikat-Postkarten-Aktion. It is a yearly event, which has been organized by Carmen Oberst from het PHOTO.KUNST.RAUM in Hamburg since 1995. The participants create unique postcards around a predefined theme in their own creative technique and send them to the other participants. Everybody collects the postcards and sends them back to Carmen, who organizes a SORTIERPERFORMANCE where all the postcards are sorted and the public chooses the winner. There is a yearly exhibition with the winning cards and a catalogue. I have participated in several of the postcard using my collage technique. Some of my postcards to the themes animals, music, vehicles, clothes and buildings can be seen in my portfolio.