twikga Topics...
The 3irds in the Red Chair

The 3irds in the Red Chair

"This is not fair! Normally we are not allowed to come near this chair, now we have to pose in it. Well, whatever, guess Tanja is the boss. She is ok though, leaves us alone when she works on her books. So let's be nice, smile guys! Well who are we, what shall we say? We are the 3irds, we team up with Duvel the publisher's dog, for naughty stuff. My name is Funny bird, I have a big mouth and a...

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Tata&Squack in the Red Chair

Tata&Squack in the Red Chair

Squack is more than a little chubby creature on a key chain. We gave him his name to honor Squack Evans, a great safari guide. The orange puppet in the book was designed as a mix of different animals, with spots in his fur from a hyena, he has the scruffy manes of a young lion, a bear belly, monkey hands and sticky-out ears. I felted him around a frame with real joints, which means he can be...

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Squack Evans in the Red Chair on location in the Serengeti

Squack Evans in the Red Chair on location in the Serengeti

On his blog Squack describes himself as a professional safari guide, photographer, bush boy and conservationist. Following the advice: "Find a job you love and you will never work another day in your life" Squack became a safari guide. With photographic opportunities literally around every corner when on safari an interest in photography was a natural path. He grew up in the bush, spending the...

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I take my position as a publisher’s dog very seriously

I take my position as a publisher’s dog very seriously

Boss, you are not fair, to portray me like this. I feel flattered, to be in the Red Chair, but that's not me anymore! Back then I was innocent and sweet. You played with me all day and gave me treats, every time I did something. Those were the days, when I could charm everybody. I know you loved me that way, but I have changed. As a terrier I always had my own head, but now I have...

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A Red Chair with a View

A Red Chair with a View

I have known Tanja for nearly 10 years by now. We met each other in Hamburg, both being a foreigner in a new city. Back then a mutual friend forgot to take a baby bed during her visit to Tanja&Willem. After Sekt and fresh strawberries in our little garden in the Mottenburgerstrasse, Tanja and I started to see each other on a regular basis. This is how I “met” the red chair standing in front of...

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Der Rote Stuhl im Hamburger Hafen, ein Experiment in Öl

Der Rote Stuhl im Hamburger Hafen, ein Experiment in Öl

Über seine eigenen Werke darf man lästern. Dies war und blieb mein erstes Experiment mit Ölfarbe. Aber was soll's, es zeigt den Roten Stuhl und deshalb gehört es hierher. Als wir in 2003 nach Hamburg zogen stand der Rote Stuhl am Fenster, mit Blick über den Containerterminal am Burchhardkai. Willem saß dort oft mit seiner Zeitung. Als er auf einem unserer Reisen Geburtstag hatte, brauchte ich...

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De Rode Stoel, een stoel met gevoel

De Rode Stoel, een stoel met gevoel

Netty Dekker is de oorspronkelijke eigenaar van de rode stoel. "Voor mij is dit een Familiestoel, een stoel met een verhaal. Hij stond bij ons in de kamer, toen was hij nog ecru. In die tijd had ik niet echt het zitvlees om erin te zitten. We hadden een druk gezin, de praktijk draaide altijd maar door. Maar als we samen in de woonkamer zaten was het mijn stoel. Dus ook een mijmerstoel, een stoel...

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The Red Chair is here to stay

The Red Chair is here to stay

The Red Chair has been in my life since I met Willem, which was nearly 28 years ago. Back then it belonged to his parents, who gave me a very warm welcome during a very rough period at home. Something I am still very thankful for. The chair was the chair of Willem's mother. Everyone respected that, even the boys. Willem has two brothers and their house was always filled with stories, laughter,...

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