twikga blog relocated
Ikga twikga has found a new home on twikga stories. Ikga twikga was the blog of the twikga publishing company in Hamburg from 2010 until 2016, when the company seized to exist and Tanja and Willem decided to move back to Holland. The content of the blog was very precious to everybody who had worked on the twikga books. It was a kind of “logbook” of the making of the books, the illustrations, the writing, going to the Childrens Book Fair in Bologna, all the publicity we got. So I was shocked to find out that the blog had been hacked going as far back as 2014 and that content had been added which was not very “child friendly”. My first emotional reaction was to shut everything down and delete the blog. Now I am happy I did not choose that route.
After some research I found out that WordPress blogs are often hacked and that there are a lot of companies who are offering products to clean your site and protect it from harm. So that is what I did back in 2016. The attacks did not stop though. The difference being that I could now monitor what happened and protective measures were keeping the bad guys out. Meanwhile Google had blacklisted the old blog. For a few years nothing much happened.
A fresh start was called for, so when we started to redesign our websites in 2020 I decide to move the clean content to a new site, to twikga stories. This turned out to be a tedious job. A lot of the images were old and not big enough for the new screens. But I hope that the layout somewhat compensates this and that the sentimental value will do the rest.