twikga Topics...
Tata&Squack meet the royal family

Tata&Squack meet the royal family

On their adventurous journey, together with their new elephant friend Harry, Tata&Squack finally get to meet his family, the Royals. Harry starts running towards the river as fast as his legs can carry him, trumpeting happily. Joyfully he races into a group of elephants, bathing in the river. Trunks intertwine with his, hugging him fondly. The entire herd rumbles a welcome. Princes and...

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LINDA: “Speels kinderboek met een missie – red de olifant”

LINDA: “Speels kinderboek met een missie – red de olifant”

Tata&Squack staan met Missie Olifant in de LINDA: “Alles wat je kind wil weten over de slurf van een olifant, de reusachtige hoop poep en het leven in het wild is te vinden in het boek… Zo leren kinderen dat deze zachtaardige reuzen een bedreigde diersoort zijn en dat ze best wel wat hulp kunnen gebruiken… Ooit hebben olifanten de hulp van de kinderen van nu nodig om te overleven. De dieren...

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The killing of elephants has to STOP – you can HELP!

The killing of elephants has to STOP – you can HELP!

While making Tata&Squack - Mission Elephant, we realized that chances are small that wild elephants will be part of our children’s future. One elephant is killed every 15 minutes. At this rate none will be roaming wild in 2025. The killing has to STOP - we have to ACT - you can HELP! Make a difference, be an elephant ambassador. There are a lot of great organizations that work with elephants. To...

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Prince Harry fights elephant poaching

Prince Harry fights elephant poaching

While researching our new book "Mission Elephant" we met the Royals, an Elephant Family, in Samburu National Park in Kenya. We decided that the name of our main character would be Harry. Therefor it was fun to meet a lifelike wax figure of the real Prince Harry when I visited London with my daughter during the summer holidays. Prince Harry of Wales is an extremely sincere, witty, big hearted,...

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Tata&Squack entführen ihre Leser in ein Elefantenabenteuer

Tata&Squack entführen ihre Leser in ein Elefantenabenteuer

Wir freuen uns über die tolle Rezension von Alexandra Blaschke in Leserwelt, hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:  "Altersgerecht und sehr ansprechend erzählt die Autorin vom Zusammenleben in einer Elefantenherde, den unterschiedlichsten Tieren in der Nachbarschaft der wilden Elefanten aber auch von den Gefahren, die ihnen drohen. So lernen die Kinder mit Tata und Squack auf sehr anschauliche und...

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Cruising the savanna with Tata&Squack

Cruising the savanna with Tata&Squack

Tata&Squack can barely hold on to Harry, their elephant friend, while they cruise the african savanna, together with flocks of Guinea Fowl. On their way they see a tree with weaver nests, dancing in the wind like 'baubles’. Harry is anxious to get to the river where he can hear his family. They talk to him using rumbles which travel through the ground. Like all elephants Harry can hear with...

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Tata&Squack Missie Olifant in Nederlandse Bibliotheken

Tata&Squack Missie Olifant in Nederlandse Bibliotheken

We zijn blij dat ook het nieuwe boek van Tata&Squack, Missie Olifant door een groot aantal Nederlandse bibliotheken is besteld. Recensente Jacolien Zwart van nbd biblion beschreef het als een "leuk en informatief leesboek, waarin de auteurs aandacht vragen voor de olifant door in een sprookjesachtig verhaal met veel dialogen het leven en de bedreigingen van deze dieren te beschrijven....

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Tata&Squack meet Mrs Hornbill sealed with a kiss

Tata&Squack meet Mrs Hornbill sealed with a kiss

With their new elephant friend Harry, Tata&Squack find a nest in a hollow tree. “This is where my bird friend Mrs Hornbill lives. She has built her nest with her own feathers. Mrs Hornbill loses her feathers overnight and uses them to make a nice fluffy bed for her eggs. To protect her and the eggs, Mr Hornbill seals up the hole in the tree with mud and droppings. He leaves a small opening...

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