Tata&Squack meet the royal family

by | October 2014

On their adventurous journey, together with their new elephant friend Harry, Tata&Squack finally get to meet his family, the Royals. Harry starts running towards the river as fast as his legs can carry him, trumpeting happily. Joyfully he races into a group of elephants, bathing in the river. Trunks intertwine with his, hugging him fondly. The entire herd rumbles a welcome. Princes and princesses run into the water, their ears flapping, splashing one another with water. They see the older elephants join in the fun as they watch over the little ones. Crocodiles are never far away. Harry runs to a grand lady touching her with his trunk to greet her. “Harry, where have you been?” she asks, her trunk caressing him. Harry seems a little embarrassed by her attention. “You know me, Grandmother Noor,” he says. “I like to explore the savannah. Look who I brought with me, two new friends, Tata and Squack.” More information about Tata&Squack in the twikga books portfolio…