twikga Topics...
Tata&Squack are ready for a new adventure

Tata&Squack are ready for a new adventure

“Expedition Savannah!  Jump on my back,” says Harry, their new elephant friend, with sparkling eyes. Tata&Squack climb on his back, ready for a new adventure. While walking silently through the bush, the sun wakes up on the other side of the river. They join Harry for breakfast and find out that he loves veggies and how he uses his trunk like a hand with two fingers, to strip an entire...

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Trotse Tante – Koen heeft gescoord met Tata&Squack!

Trotse Tante – Koen heeft gescoord met Tata&Squack!

Mijn zevenjarig neefje Koen heeft zijn boekbespreking over het nieuwe avontuur van Tata&Squack Missie Olifant gehouden. De juf vond het een super boekbespreking en Koen heeft een paar mooie voetbal plaatjes gescoord. Koen, super cool dat jij mijn verhaal aan je klasgenoten wilde vertellen. Allemaal nieuwe stoere ambassadeurs voor de olifant. Dank je wel ook namens de olifanten.

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Squack and the Bouncy Bunch

Squack and the Bouncy Bunch

Tata&Squack are best friends forever. Most of the time Squack is part of the bouncy bunch, a collection of keyrings attached to Tata's bag. Tata chose Squack, a chubby creature from a basket filled with toys on one of her trips to Africa. It was a good choice. Squack is a unique keyring. He has a scruffy mane like a young lion, a big bear belly, monkey hands and spots on his fur like a hyena....

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Are you Ready to Rumble and hang out with a Prince?

Are you Ready to Rumble and hang out with a Prince?

Tata&Squack adventure Mission Elephant you can. It is a story about  the largest animal that walks the surface of the earth, the elephant. The story begins as a rumbling sound wakes Tata and she sees a shadow moving on her veranda. Her best friend Squack, a keyring, comes back to life just in time for another adventure. Together they slide out of bed and tiptoe onto the veranda. There they...

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Ein neues Buch, ein neues Abenteuer nicht nur für Tata&Squack

Ein neues Buch, ein neues Abenteuer nicht nur für Tata&Squack

Ein neues Buch ist ein neues Abenteuer für uns als creatives Team, aber auch für unsere Helden Tata&Squack. Tata ist zurück in Afrika und besucht das Forschungscamp ihrer Eltern. Sie untersuchen das Leben der wilden Elefanten. In ihrer ersten Nacht bekommt Tata königlichen Besuch. "Von einem Brummen wache ich auf. Neugierig schaue ich unter meiner Decke hervor. Auf meiner Veranda entdecke...

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Tata&Squack zu Ostern in der Blankeneser Hauptstraße

Tata&Squack zu Ostern in der Blankeneser Hauptstraße

Wie alle anderen twikga Bücher zuvor haben jetzt auch Tata&Squack einen Ehrenplatz in der Blankeneser Hauptstraße bekommen. Zu Ostern werden die vielen Spaziergänger die durch das Hamburger Treppenviertel flanieren unserem neuen Buch in dem lebendigen Schaufenster von "Living in a Box" begegnen. Das Buch steht inmitten einer Flusslandschaft, in der Tata&Squack zusammen mit Harry ihrem...

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14.4.14 Launch of Tata&Squack – Mission Elephant

14.4.14 Launch of Tata&Squack – Mission Elephant

We are happy to announce the launch of our NEW book, Tata&Squack - Mission Elephant. Their second adventure is a story about wild elephants, the largest mammals that walk the surface of the earth. Tata's parents are researchers and travel the world. Tata joins them on their assignments. Their new research project is a study of the life of elephants. The keyring Squack is magical and Tata's...

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Tata&Squack on Mission Elephant in Bologna

Tata&Squack on Mission Elephant in Bologna

We were very proud to present our new book, Tata&Squack - Mission Elephant in three language editions on the Bologna Children's Book Fair. Since 1963 the Bologna Children's Book Fair has been a leading international event for publishers. It is the "place-to-be" for selling rights. The exhibition gives everyone the chance to discover the latest market trends in the book industry, to meet the most...

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