twikga Topics...
Sommer am Elbstrand für Verlagshund Duvel

Sommer am Elbstrand für Verlagshund Duvel

Verlagshund Duvel liebt den Elbstrand im Sommer. Dann duften die Grills aber auch die Botschaftern der vielen vierbeinigen Besucher. Mit Frauchen am Strand essen ist toll, da fällt oft was unter den Tisch, wo sowieso schon einiges liegt von vorigen Besuchern. Von dort lassen sich auch unauffällig Kumpel belauern die ihm sonst nicht so geheuer sind. Und dann gehts zum Strand. Am liebsten kurz vor...

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Happy Birthday to Duvel the publisher’s dog!

Happy Birthday to Duvel the publisher’s dog!

"Happy Birthday Duvel, five years as a publisher's dog, quite an achievement old chap. Oh, Oh, don't give me that look! Come on Duvel, I know you think, we are a nuisance, but it is your Birthday. We will be really nice today, I promise. We will not steal the bosses cookies, mess up her office or dig through the rubbish for goodies. We will even leave your precious sticks alone, ok? Look at that...

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Here comes the rain again for the 3irds

Here comes the rain again for the 3irds

"Duvel, this is rain, not snow! We want the white fluffy stuff. Apparently you don't mind getting wet. We do. Can we please go back inside?" "Noisy bird, stop complaining. I got you the bosses umbrella and those boots should keep your feet dry. I am not done marking my territory. Maybe the winter will come after all. Then you can complain about too much snow and being cold. So for now, here...

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Neugierig bin ich gar nicht

Neugierig bin ich gar nicht

Mir entgeht nichts und wenn was abgeht habe ich meine Hundenase dazwischen. An mir kommt keiner vorbei ohne begrüßt zu werden. Wenn es an der Tür klingelt stürzte ich mich die Treppe hinunter, bevor Frauchen sagen kann, daß ich in meinem Körbchen bleiben soll. Dort bleibe ich sowieso nur, wenn es mir passt. Ich schlafe zwar gern und viel, aber mich mit den Zweibeinern beschäftigen macht mehr...

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The 3irds in the Red Chair

The 3irds in the Red Chair

"This is not fair! Normally we are not allowed to come near this chair, now we have to pose in it. Well, whatever, guess Tanja is the boss. She is ok though, leaves us alone when she works on her books. So let's be nice, smile guys! Well who are we, what shall we say? We are the 3irds, we team up with Duvel the publisher's dog, for naughty stuff. My name is Funny bird, I have a big mouth and a...

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3birds in a dog’s bed

3birds in a dog’s bed

"Wow, this has been a tough day, Duvel. The food was all right. But walking around in the rain is nothing for a Funny old bird, like me. Beats me why you keep on sniffing those bushes. Oh well, must have something to do with your territory. I could use some rest now. Duvel, thank you so much for letting us sleep in your bed. It took you some time, to get used to us. I knew we would be friends in...

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Summer-time, garden-time, tea-time, naughty-time…

Summer-time, garden-time, tea-time, naughty-time…

"Wow, so much green and look at those beautiful flowers!" "Little bird, don't be so romantic. We prefer to have a closer look at that cake. It  looks delicious, maybe we can have some. What do you think Duvel?" "Naughty Bird, keep on dreaming. The boss told me to stay away from it. She will be back in no time and I will not take the blame if anything happens to it. She might even bring me one of...

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Duvel the variomatic terrier

Duvel the variomatic terrier

After a few days of summer, there was the rain again. The good thing is that it brought our dog back to action. During the hot days he moved like a snail, he is quite an actor. It amazes me how many kinds of "walks" he can do. You could write a book about his body language. The last few days he was walking like "leave me alone - I am hot - can't you see my tongue hanging out?!" This morning he...

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Have a look at Wild Picha Stories…

The stories of Willem & Tanja Dekker Photography, far away and close to home. Books, awards, events and other stories…