Phanhabs Night Hide

by | December 2024

Yet another Christmas Phanhabs inspired by our recent visit to several hides in Kenya. From underground hides we were able to take pictures on eye-level observe night time behaviour. Your can get very close to the animals because your are behind glass and they do not realize that you are watching them. Like in all of my Phanhabs the animals were not in the same place at the same time. To illustrate this I added some of the single shots that were used to create the phantasy.

Making this Phanhabs brings back fond memories of making the Phanhabs books. They were published by twikga Verlag in 2010 and 2013. Phanhabs stands for “phantastic habitats”, creative impressions of the habitats of wild African animals. The illustrations are a mix of photographs, drawings and collages. More information about the making of the books on stories…