What we love is what we cherish

by | March 2011

Books for the child in us, sounds nice, but why do I use this phrase? Children look at the world with different eyes. They are still amazed by simple things. Somehow we seem to shift our attention to our daily chores, when we grow up. Traveling has opened my eyes again. Most importantly I have become to realize how beautiful our planet is.

I hope we will be able to protect its wilderness for future generations. This of course is a very big cause, but we can all try to contribute our share. I hope that my books bring across some of the magic of the wilderness, not only to children, but also to you. I believe that the will to protect comes from the heart. What we love is what we cherish…

Have a look at Wild Picha Stories…

The stories of Willem & Tanja Dekker Photography, far away and close to home. Books, awards, events and other stories…