Spiting fire mountains and collapsed cream cakes

Probably you learned by now that Tanja is in Africa. Skipping a lady’s program she joined a team climbing the Kilimanjaro. The highest mountain of Africa. Afterwards she will visit the Ngorongoro, a dead volcano. It is not as the name suggest another fire spitting mountain to climb for Tanja. The Ngorongoro is a dead volcano with the only difference that this one imploded. It exploded inwards. That’s why it looks like a giant collapsed cream cake. The ashes and lava made the soil in the crater very fertile and therefore houses all the large and small wonders of Africa. The Wildebeest will give birth to their small wonders; their calves, on the fertile foothills of the Ngorongoro. A time of Birth-days. Happy Birthday to you, Tanja! We will fly over to say Hello!