Gentle giants in the river

by | January 2013

The story behind the elephant picture which was used for our christmas card is a family story. When we visited Samburu National Reserve in Kenya, last October, we witnessed this beautiful scene on the river on an evening game drive. Most elephant families come down to drink and cool off in the river around midday. Therefore we were thrilled to witness this event in the beautiful evening light. This family had been feeding in an area far away from the river. They were covered in red dust when we saw them approaching peacefully in a long red line through the bush. The knowledgeable guides of Elephant Watch knew exactly which path they would take and where it would lead them. We were able to position ourselves at exactly the right spot along the river, to take these beautiful shots. The whole family splashed into the water, clearly enjoying it’s coolness. We witnessed again how gentle and social these giants are. They greeted each other, the little ones played and were closely watched over by the adults. Gentle giants in the river…

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