twikga Topics...
Thank you for the good times!

Thank you for the good times!

The twikga publishing company seized to exist, but while it lasted we did great things! I would like to thank everybody who helped me realize this creative adventure. Thank you all for the hard work and the good times! My special thanks go to my husband Willem. Not only did you support my publishing ambitions business wise, you also helped me to take the pictures I needed to make my...

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Kreativer Abschied

Kreativer Abschied

Abschied von Irene. Es fällt mir schwer. Nach mehr als 10 Jahren trennen sich unsere Wege. Ich kam in 2004 zu Irene zur Mappenvorbereitung für mein Studium an der Bildkunst Akademie. Nach meinem Studium war sie mein Creatives Gewissen bei dem Entstehen der Bücher. Später habe ich bei Ihr an meinen Collagen gearbeitet. Viele Montage habe ich zusammen mit verschiedenen creatieven Mitstreitern in...

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Tanja wins GDT award

Tanja wins GDT award

We feel happy and honored being awarded a first prize in the GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016 for Tanja’s picture…

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Happy New Beginnings for twikga

Happy New Beginnings for twikga

We would like to  thank you for being our fans during the last 6 years! We loved making the twikga books, but the time has come to start something new. Keep on following our wilderness adventures on

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14.4.14 Launch of Tata&Squack – Mission Elephant

14.4.14 Launch of Tata&Squack – Mission Elephant

We are happy to announce the launch of our NEW book, Tata&Squack - Mission Elephant. Their second adventure is a story about wild elephants, the largest mammals that walk the surface of the earth. Tata's parents are researchers and travel the world. Tata joins them on their assignments. Their new research project is a study of the life of elephants. The keyring Squack is magical and Tata's...

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Happy Elephantastic New Year

Happy Elephantastic New Year

Getting ready for New years Eve Tata&Squack and all of us at Twikga like to wish you a Happy New Year. We will see you on the other side…. Get ready for an Elephantastic New Year with the launch of a new adventure in the first months of 2014.

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Eröffnung Ausstellung Wild Picha in Galerie Lehmweg 33

Eröffnung Ausstellung Wild Picha in Galerie Lehmweg 33

Am Freitag wurde in Gallerie Lehmweg 33 in Hamburg die Wild Picha Ausstellung eröffnet. Sie zeigt Afrika Fotografien in schwarz-weiß von Willem und Tanja Dekker. Galeristin Johanna Beil sprach bei der Eröffnung die Bücher an, die Tanja Dekker herausbringt..., "die sich (wen wundert´s) um Afrika drehen. Hier mischt und webt Tanja Dekker ihrer beider Fotografien mit illustratorischen Mitteln zu...

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Have a look at Wild Picha Stories…

The stories of Willem & Tanja Dekker Photography, far away and close to home. Books, awards, events and other stories…